“His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.”

Matthew 25:21

Do you ever feel like your life is mundane? Whether you’re typing away at an office, pulling 12-hour shifts, or wiping baby butts, following Jesus in the day-to-day doesn’t always look “radical”. We start to feel like we’re wasting our lives if we’re not leaving a legacy, changing the world, or making drastic, life-altering decisions regularly. 

I remember asking a long-term missionary what it was like to live in her country. I expected some dramatic stories of importance, something that sounded like an adventure novel every day. But she told me that it was very similar to living anywhere — she got her children ready for school in the morning, tutored some adults in English during the day, bought food for her family on her walk home, and sometimes had guests over for dinner. Her life was still “mundane”, even halfway across the world in a new culture.

Whether we’re living in another country, or have never left our hometown, God calls us to live out the details of our ordinary lives for His glory. And these “mundane” tasks matter to Him! In this Parable of the Talents, the master rewards his servants for diligently investing their allotted amounts of money, whether they were given a lot or a little. In the same way, God entrusts us with the mundane tasks that make up our daily lives. The goal is not to rid ourselves of these mundane tasks, but to “work at them with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward” (Col. 3:23-24).

What has God allotted you? How will you be faithful in the mundane tasks of your career or taking care of your family? Do not fall into the temptation to see these as a burden or barrier to your God-given calling. Instead, recognize that your faithfulness in these tasks is what God desires, and He will reward you for an ordinary life lived to glorify Him.

God, thank you for the rest you give. Thank you that I don’t need to go chasing the next big thing or lose sleep over finding my purpose in life. Please help me to be faithful with the life you’ve given me. I want to honor you and see each mundane task as an opportunity to bring you glory.