Read Warren's Story
Well I grew up, I had a great mom and dad, a great family, and we went to church, but I found church kind of boring, to tell the truth.
I was in high school and this guy invited me to come to a party on Wednesday nights. There were a bunch of girls there and it was either stay home and act like I was studying, or go to this place where there are a bunch of girls, and I said “well, that’s a no brainer”! So I started going to this thing and they would sing songs and play games and this guy would talk about Jesus Christ, just talk about His life and everything else. I decided you know what, I like that guy, I like that guy Jesus
I looked at all the different philosophies and religions and ways of being and living. I can tell they’re not going to take me to where I wanna go. You [Jesus] have the words to eternal life. Whatever you think of Jesus, this guy is authentic. This guy is real. I may not know the way…He knows the way. And then after you follow him, for me, then I knew. Then I knew.
I remember praying one time, actually walking up in the mountains, and I said you know Jesus, I’ve heard about the spirit, people talk about the Holy Spirit, I said if you want me to have that spirit, your spirit, give it to me.
I tell you this…I was having a great time not being a Christian… I was going to parties. I had a lot of friends and all that sort of stuff, but when I became a Christian, and it didn’t happen overnight, but my life began to change and some of the things that I thought were satisfying were no longer satisfying.
It’s not always a feel-good time but you know Jesus, He doesn’t promise happiness, he promises joy. And so that’s that’s the sign of the Christian life: you’ve got joy.
You know all of us are leaders, and by leaders, I mean that other people are looking at us all the time whether we realize it or not. People are watching us; watching what we’re doing, watching what we’re saying, and so all of us influence other people for good or for bad.
I feel like I’m called to be in the position I’m in…but more than that I feel like I’ve been called to love God in the position I’m in.
It’s a journey, but Jesus has changed my life and continues to change my life… he continues to make me into a different and a better person than who I was.