“They shall not hurt or destroy in all My holy mountain, for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD as the waters cover the sea.”

Isaiah 11:9

Have you ever stood on top of a mountain before? As a Louisiana girl, I’ve only been at the top of a mountain once, and that’s when I was in North Carolina for the first time. That feeling, on top of the mountain, is almost impossible to describe. It’s so different seeing the world from 6,000 feet high.

The trees are so tiny they just melt together into a giant sea of green, the roads twist and turn and pop in and out of view, and people’s houses hide from view behind trees and the sides of mountains — and all of it, all of the things that I can barely see, make the world feel like it’s almost disappearing.

It’s peaceful, feeling like the world isn’t loud and in your face. That’s what I imagine eternity with Christ will feel like: the world fades away until it’s only us and Jesus. And that’s exactly what this verse is talking about. Though life gets hard and the world gets too close for comfort, one day persecution and suffering won’t be chasing us down and instead the Gospel is going to flood the earth. And we’ll be at the top of the mountain with Jesus.

So as you’re climbing the mountain, don’t give up. You’ll get tired and your muscles will ache, but Jesus has defeated death to give you eternal life. Jesus will be at the top of the mountain with you. And He is so worth it. 

PRAYER: God, thank you that you are victorious over life and death. Thank you that you provide such peace and comfort for me. Thank you for giving me eternal life. Help me to persevere through the struggles of life, knowing that I can depend on you every step of the way. Thank you for your constant presence and your never-ending love. I love you, Lord. Amen.