For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope.

Romans 15:4

I started a new job a couple of weeks ago, and I do all of my work on a computer. Because I spend so much time now looking at a screen, I purchased a pair of “blue blocker glasses.” These special glasses filter the blue light from screens that can damage our eyes over time. 

Here’s the problem: most days I usually work an hour or so before I realize I’m wearing my new blue blocker glasses in my hair! My glasses obviously can’t filter any blue light from my eyes if they’re on my head

Now, consider the Bible as a “spiritual pair” of blue blocker glasses. Romans 15:4 says Scripture is “written for our learning.” Through its teaching, we experience patience, comfort, and hope, even when circumstances leave us feeling impatient, anxious, and hopeless. The act of reading and meditating on Scripture is like a pair of special glasses that filters what’s in front of us through the lens of God’s truth. 

My blue blocker glasses don’t serve their purpose if I’m wearing them on my head. In the same way, our Bibles don’t serve their purpose if we’re leaving them unopened on our nightstands or in our car seats. Start with reading and reflecting on one verse each day if you are new to the Bible or have a full schedule. God is faithful to use whatever time you have. 

The goal is simply to use your spiritual glasses. 


God, thank you for Scripture: your source of revelation to us. Thank you for the truth, patience, comfort, and hope it provides. Help me make time to put on my “spiritual glasses” and read my Bible today so I’m able to filter my circumstances through the lens of what it says about you, me, and the world around me.