Life doesn’t always look like we imagine, but one thing is certain: God is always there for us. 

Simone Bruni, the Demo Diva, didn’t know she would own a demolition company, but when her home was destroyed after Katrina the pieces fell in place. Her bright pink dumpsters and equipment added a bright spot in the wake of the storm’s destruction. 

Just like her company, God has a funny way of taking our hearts that seem completely destroyed, sometimes gutted, and in the end creating a clean heart and lasting Change.

He is there for us in our brokenness, in our successes, and is everything we need Him to be. 

Here is Simone’s story of Change.  


Read Simone's Story

I first came to know the Lord when I was 15 in a double wide trailer church in River Ridge and the message was on the names of Jesus. And I had never heard all of the names of the Lord: the Lion of Judah, the Rose of Sharon, the Way, the Truth, the Life, the Door, the Vine, all of these aspects of the Lord. And that night, on a Wednesday night in November, I walked up to the altar and gave my life to the Lord and it’s just never been the same. I met Him. 

I can look back now over thirty years and just say, Lord, you have led me. He loved me in my youth. He spoke to me in my twenties. He led me in my thirties. He’s my rock in my forties. And each time He met me and I kept changing to want to please him. And that’s how I saw myself change. It was now no longer my purpose, but it was what’s your purpose, Lord. 

Life is not perfect. Dreams do fall apart, parts of life do also fall apart and I have had a lot of those moments, and I can tell you that I can’t imagine going through life without Him. I appreciate my humanity, where I can go to Him and say, “I’m broken Lord. And I didn’t do it Your way, will You help me get back to how to do it Your way.” And He’s faithful. 

I can certainly say I didn’t grow up to want to be in the trash business or the demolition business. I literally thought I was going to be a missionary to Brazil and you know, but God said, “No, I’m going to use you right where you are.”

There’s a peace that you’re not going to find in a car or in a home or in a circle of friends or social clubs. It’s just a peace within yourself that the Lord is always with you. That he’s an intimate God. He’s a different God. He’s different. 

He’s changed my life in ways that I can’t even count. If only I had recorded all of the intimate miracles that He’s done, so intimate, just to me, it’d be a really great read for the last 48 years.

 I’m Simone Bruni and He Changed My Life.