Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad; let the sea resound, and all that is in it. Let the fields be jubilant, and everything in them; let all the trees of the forest sing for joy.

Psalm 96:11-12

Life gets us down. It seems too hard to bear sometimes. Anxiety and depression can take over our thinking. When we try to handle our problems with our own strength, we often fail and they seem to multiply. 

When we seek our Lord first, and lay our burdens at His feet, then trust Him with them, we can find the inner peace that allows us to experience the true Joy which He promises us.

If we can maintain the mindset that is presented in this verse, we can indeed turn away from despair and live a life full of trust and Joy as God intended for us. Notice the words used; rejoice, resound, jubilant and joy. Imagine going through your days with this attitude, there would be no room for fear and anxiety in our minds. Our hearts would be full of peace and Joy. 

God desires an intimate relationship with us. We were created for this purpose. To come to Him and just BE with Him, not always to pray,  but just to be in communion with Him.  This is when we can “hear” His voice, to feel the experience mentioned in Psalm 96:11-12.

I have caused physical damage to myself due to worry about the future. It is only when I sought the Lord with my whole heart, mind, and soul that I received healing and direction to make the next decision.  Provision can seem like miracles when we trust Him to provide for our needs.

My first thoughts when I wake up most mornings cause feelings of anxiety, but I automatically say “Thank You” to God for what the day will bring, and experience a Joy that is indescribable. Even in adversity, we can still have the Joy and peace He promised to bless us with. We just have to learn to turn our thoughts to Him immediately, and do what He has taught us in His Word!

Lord, teach us Your ways. Help us to learn to trust You in every area of our lives. May we continually live out this verse in our every waking moment. Let life be seen through Your eyes as You desire it to be for us.