“You are my hiding place and my shield; I hope in Your word.”

Psalm 119:114

As a kid there was nothing much more fun than playing hide and go seek. The fact of the matter is that we really didn’t want to hide “so well” that we couldn’t be found. We liked hiding for a while, but then, a bit of boredom set in and we were off and running trying to make our way to “Base” (the safe place), and once getting there, whoever was “It” was ineffective in getting to us even though the one who was “It” saw us and could be standing right in front of us.  

We were brave!! But what were the stakes? Bragging rights? A nanny-nanny boo-boo?  It was all fun and we’d play for hours, days and years; and we did, but more peculiarly, as adults, we still can, and do.

The stakes for us as “adult” children of God are a good bit higher than they were with our playground friends. The one we are “hiding from” is no friend. If he finds us, his intention is not to outrun us, tagging us gleefully (and a bit out of breath) proclaiming, “You’re it!” His intention is to get his talons into us and with a sinister snarl, growl with total hatred into our ear, “You’re mine!”

A loving Father knows this enemy much more than we do. He’s much more aware of the schemes of this “it”, the devil than we are, but we must be. That’s why Father tells us, “I am your safe place, your hiding place and your protection against the one who hates you and desires nothing but your demise” (John 10:10a). 

We must hunker down under the hiding place of the shadow of our Father’s wing this day. With His strength allow Him to be our “shield of faith” whereby all the fiery darts of the evil one are extinguished. Our willingness to stay hidden in Christ and the impenetrability of God our shield grows the more we find ourselves abiding in His Word. 

In Him we are safe from the defeated “It” in the playground of this fallen world. For our Father and our God is our Hiding place, our solid ground, our shield, and our eternal “Base”. 

Let’s go out there and “play” like it in the strength and hope that Father provides. 

PRAYER: God, let me find shelter in you. Let me “play” knowing that you have created solid ground for me to run on, and that I am protected by your love.