“To them God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles: which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.”

Colossians 1:27

Have you ever played two truths and a lie? Everyone tries to think of the two most crazy true facts about themselves, add a just-as-crazy lie, and then we all try to guess what the lie is. It’s a fun way to get to know people, because you hear some pretty unbelievable stories from your friends!

But while two truths and a lie can be a fun game to play, I think our culture can sometimes make us feel like we’re playing two truths and a lie with everything we hear. But we aren’t the first Christians to struggle to figure out whether our culture was telling us the truth or not.

In Colossae, the church was also struggling with lies that they heard. Paul wrote this letter specifically to refute heresy. And Paul makes it clear that those false, worldly philosophies are nothing compared to the fullness and absolute enough-ness of Christ.

Paul cares deeply that they (and we) know that Jesus is enough — that Jesus is more than enough — and that Jesus is way bigger and better than anything else the world tries to sell you as truth. He describes Jesus as lofty — Jesus is over all, He is so great, He is so full of glory, and He is so much better than anything anyone could make up.

In this verse specifically, Paul reminds the church in Colossae of the incredible gospel — that Jesus has come to save, and that the Holy Spirit now lives in every believer. Christ in you, the hope of glory. Paul is saying, “Please don’t forget that it’s Jesus who is sovereign and almighty and who gave His life so that we might have eternal life through His life given for us. Don’t let the world fool you into thinking that there’s something greater or better out there than Jesus because there isn’t.”

I think even today, the world offers us things that try to take Jesus’s place. There are new religions, the upholding of “spiritual” over “religious,” and the idea that maybe we don’t need religion after all or that all religions lead to the same place. I hope that we also remind ourselves of Christ in us, the hope of glory. And I hope we remember that only Christ offers true and everlasting life, and that He is the only real and true thing in a world full of lies.

PRAYER: God, help me to focus on You and to remember Your truth and Your glory as I live in this world. Help me to praise and lift up the name of Jesus. Help me to glorify You with my life. Amen.